YesIn addition, you have the option of, including custom LiveCD images, textinstaller images, and automated installation images. Simple, Preset InstallationsThe GUI installer on the LiveCD and the text installer are simple,preset installer methods.Both installers can be used to install Oracle Solaris on the x86 platform. The text installer can also be used to install Oracle Solaris on the SPARC platform.Both installers are capable of functioning with a minimum of memory.
To check memory requirements, see.Both installers enable you to select, create, or modify disk partitions during an installation.The LiveCD contains a set of software that is appropriate for adesktop or laptop. Note - The package set installed by the text installer is the solaris-large-server package set. However, if you use the text installer over the network, a different, smaller package set, solaris-auto-install, is installed. After booting into the installed system, you should install the solaris-large-server package set.In addition to modifying partitions, the text installer enables you to create and modify VTOC slices within the Solaris partition.For further information about performing a simple installation, see. Installations Requiring Server SetupYou can perform a “hands-free” installation of the Oracle Solaris software on singleor multiple client systems by using the Automated Installer (AI) feature.
Exiting Caught Signal 11 Solaris Install 2
Note - Each system requires network access because the installation process retrieves packages from anetworked repository.To use AI, you must first set up a server on yournetwork. When a client system boots, the system gets installation specifications from theserver, retrieves software packages from an Oracle Solaris package repository, and the software isinstalled on the client system.AI can perform “hands-free” automatic network installations on both x86 and SPARC basedclient systems. The install clients can differ in architecture, disk and memory capacity,and other characteristics. The installations can differ in network configuration, packages installed, and otherspecifications.For further information, see.Once you have an AI server set up, you have two additionalinstallation options beyond the “hands-free” network installations.You have the option to perform an interactive text installation over the network. The interactive installation allows you to further customize the installation specifications for any particular system.For further information, see.The setup for AI includes downloading AI images and storing them on the network or locally. You can burn the image to removable media, such as a CD, DVD, or for x86 installations, a USB flash drive. Then, you can boot the AI media directly on each of your systems to initiate an automated installation.
Installations that use AI media are non-interactive.For instructions, see.